Genetic manipulation and chemical extracts are not the only ways to lengthen our telomeres (or at least slow down their shortening) and thus give us a chance at longevity.

Scientific studies conducted on humans over several years have shown that telomere length can be strongly influenced by lifestyle.

For example, scientists have observed that the group that leads a healthier lifestyle has a 10% longer telomere length than those who have not given up bad habits.

How can telomeres be maintained or lengthened?

Avoid chronic stress. This is one of the most effective ways to prevent telomere shortening. One study showed that women who experience significant stress have telomeres so shortened that they correspond to being 10 years older.

Follow a diet rich in omega-3 and vitamins A, C, E, B6, B9, B12. Antioxidant protection plays a decisive role here. The main thing is to avoid both deficiency and excess of these substances.

Exercise regularly. According to a study published in Sciences Advances, exercise activates telomerase in white blood cells and lengthens telomeres. And their length can change as early as two hours after exercise. So, physical activity is a great way to slow down aging.

Meditation with concentration on the feeling of love can also increase telomere longevity. Researchers from the Universities of Davis and San Francisco, California, found that regular meditation causes positive mood changes associated with increased telomerase activity.

We now have scientific confirmation of what already seemed obvious. However, we are sure that the research will not stop there, and there will be interesting discoveries in the future.